Sunday, August 9, 2009

Quizzes (ClassMarker)

ClassMarker is an easy to use online quiz maker that marks your tests and quizzes for you (ClassMarker, 2009). The quiz that I have created is titled 'What am I?' and relates to the current unit in my grade 1 class 'Creatures on the move'. Over the past few weeks the students have been looking at animals, in particular wild animals, and their observable features and habitats. There are ten multiple choice questions that briefly describe an animal (features/habitat) and the students are required to choose the correct animal from four possible answers. My test can be found at

This quiz was used during group rotational activities within the classroom, however I found the students could not complete the quiz independently and needed quite a bit of help to read the questions (and answers). While it is possible that certain parts could be modified I wonder how successful this type of assessment would be for the lower grades (P-2). I can see that the use of a computer to complete a test would undoubtedly be more engaging for contemporary learners than paper-based tests, however I would want to give them many opportunities to demonstrate their learning.

On a more positive note ClassMarker does have a number of advantages for Learning Managers and students. It would allow students to practice and test their knowledge base around a particular topic/unit and provides an effective formative learning resource that can be conducted in class or at home (ClassMarker, 2009). In teams/pairs learners might create their own tests that they could share with their peers. This would relate to Kearsley and Schneiderman's (1999) Engagement Theory as students would be required to work in collaborative teams to determine what questions they would ask (Relate). These questions would be purposeful and need to relate to the current topic or specific context in the classroom (Create) and the tests would be undertaken by their peers, giving it an outside focus (Donate).

ClassMarker. (2009). About. Retrieved August 8, 2009, from

Kearsley, G., & Shneiderman, B. (1999). Engagement Theory: A framework for technology-based teaching and learning. Retrieved August 7, 2009, from

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